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Learn More About Caseyville, Illinois 62232

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Caseyville, IL is a village that is located in St. Clair County. As of 2019 the population census is around 4,179. Caseyville is approximately 11 miles outside of St. Louis, MO and is considered to be a part of the Metro-East area. The history of Caseyville is that a wealthy man named Charles Harbour built a home as well as a sawmill in 1845.There were coal deposits in the area, and Harbour was a part of the Illinois Coal Company along with John Roy, Charles Barrett, Malcomb Robinson, Walter Seates, and Zadok Casey. Casey had held several offices including the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois and United States Representative. 

In 1849, the Illinois Coal Company actually founded the town and named it after Zadok Casey. The coal mining began, and in 1851 the company constructed a railroad to the nearby town of Brooklyn in order to transport the coal. In 1850 there was approximately 40 people here, and by 1851 the population increased to around 150. By the year 1881 the population increased to approximately 800. The first post office was established in Caseyville in 1856, and the village was incorporated in May of 1869. The first school was built in 1872 and a church was constructed in 1879. Fun fact, an episode of the Discovery Channel’s series called A Haunting titled “Dark Wrath” takes place in Caseyville. 

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